瑞士Contelec康德勒传感器、电位器系列产品原装销售 瑞士Contelec康德勒传感器、电位器系列产品低价经销 瑞士Contelec康德勒传感器、电位器系列产品低价** 【Contelec康德勒】Vert-X 90E非接触式角度传感器 瑞士原装正品 厦门市哈德沃克电子科技有限公司的优势产品有: 卡特彼勒Caterpillar (卡特彼勒) 工程机械全系列配件 National油封 CR油封 SKF油封 意大利fluid-o-tech福力德小型高压泵 英国watson-marlow蠕动泵 NOP恩欧匹泵 Shurflo泵 Little Giant小巨人泵 Pulsafeeder帕斯菲达计量泵 美国欧必得公司OPW快速接头 OYU拖车电装系统、元件 Binotto多节缸 OMFB油压元件 Bertocco空压元件 Gart空气弹簧 Mollebalestra钢板弹簧 摩菲仪器仪表等 以上每种品牌产品型号齐全,价格优势明显,欢迎广大客户前来咨询。 【瑞士Contelec康德勒】Vert-X 90E非接触式角度传感器功能: Sensor principle MH-C MH-C2 Electrical data Measuring range ° 0 ... 360 0 ... 360 Indep. linearity (without misalignment) % of meas. range ±0.3 ±0.3 Indep. linearity (with allowed misalignment) % of meas. range ±1 ±1 Max. hysteresis ° 0.1 0.1 Resolution bit 12 14 Max. repeatability ° 0.1 0.1 Sample rate fast mode kHz (5) (2) Sample rate slow mode kHz 1.66 0.5 System propagation delay fast mode μs (800) (800) System propagation delay slow mode μs 4600 2500 Max. temperature coefficient of the output ** ppm/°K 100 100 MTTFd / MTBF year 240 / 240 209 / 209 Power supply voltage VDC 8 ... 35 8 ... 35 Current consumption without load (typ.) fast mode 毫安 (19) (20) Current consumption without load (typ.) slow mode 毫安 14 15 Min. ohmic load at output kOhm 10 10 Max. capacitive load at output nF 100 100 Reverse polarity protection of power supply yes yes Electrical connection (s = shielded) Cable 3pole, s Cable 3pole, s Cross section of single wires mm2 0.56 (AWG20) 0.56 (AWG20) Redundancy feasible yes yes Electrical connection redundant (s = shielded) 2x Cable 3pole, s 2x Cable 3pole, s Cross section of single wires redundant mm2 0.56 (AWG20) 0.56 (AWG20) Mechanical data Mechanical range ° 360 (continuous) 360 (continuous) Protection class IP68 & IP69K IP68 & IP69K Min. life movements no limitation no limitation Operating & storage temperature °C -40 ... +85 -40 ... +85 IEC 68-2-6 Vibration (Amax = 0.75mm, f = 5 … 2000 Hz) g 50 50 IEC 68-2-27 Shock g 200 200 Standards EN 55022 class B, Emission radiated (30... 230 MHz) dB(μV/m) max. 30 max. 30 EN 55022 class B, Emission radiated (230...1000MHz) dB(μV/m) max. 37 max. 37 EN 61000-4-2, ESD (contact discharge / air discharge) kV ±4 / ±8 ±4 / ±8 EN 61000-4-3, Immission HF radiated (80... 1000 MHz) V/m 30 30 EN 61000-4-4, Burst (on all lines) kV ±1 ±1 EN 61000-4-5, Surge (lines to ground) kV ±1 ±1 EN 61000-4-6, Immission HF conducted (0.15...80MHz) Vemk 10 10 EN 61000-4-8, Immission magnetic field (50Hz) A/m 300 300 IEC 60393-1 Insualtion resistance (500VDC, 1bar, 2s) GOhm 20 20 IEC 60393-1 Dielectric strength (VAC, 50Hz, 1min, 1bar) kV 1 1 Vert-X 90E - 24V / 0.5 - 4.5V Applications ? Agricultural machines ? Special purpose vehicles ? Construction machines ? Stone crusher Features general ? Very high protection class IP68 & IP69K ? Flat design ? Non-contacting measuring method ? Very long life ? High accuracy of measurement ? Applications under harsh ambient conditions possible (humidity, dampness, dust, dirt, vibrations etc.) ? Full resolution and accuracy at programmed electrical angle Features MH-C ? Resolution of 12bit ? Lower price than MH-C2 Features MH-C2 ? Resolution of 14bit ? Index point(s), sense of rotation and angle settable resp. programmable by customer (optional) 低价供应瑞士【Contelec康德勒】Vert-X 90E非接触式角度传感器 全国经销 质量保证